MarketsandMarkets MI Cloud / Knowledge Store Subscription

ReportsnReports recommend MarketsandMarkets MI Cloud / Knowledge Store Subscription.

What Is MI CLOUD - Knowledge Store?

KNOWLEDGESTORE allows all employees, regardless of rank, democratic access to cutting edge market research data. It helps B2B companies translate growth intelligence to revenue intelligence, enables teams and partners to collaborate on analysis, insights and decision making while identifying niche market opportunities arising out of disruptions. It also enables gathering of intelligence by taking advantage of proven and highly scalable data analysis and insights.

How Does It Work?

- Disruptions: The ability to predict disruption in the business landscape that could force a company to transform itself significantly is the raison d'etre of market research.

- Market Research: Harnessing these insights quickly can help businesses to fuel innovative products inside their company, respond to specific industry trends and gain a first-mover advantage.

- MI Cloud: Using MI Cloud companies can convert growth intelligence into revenue intelligence, grant democratic access to all company employees and empower them to optimise leads and conversions.

- Consulting: Our consultants can combine business and marketing data, execute growth use cases for a holistic view of business impact and arrive at revenue intelligent solutions.

- Revenue impact: Revenue intelligence can enable you to gain agility, and arrive at scalable, customised solutions in rapid time to value and maximise ROI.

Key Benefits of Having MI Cloud / Knowledge Store Subscription.

- Successful companies do not stop at meeting their customers' current needs but anticipate their unstated or future needs by identifying market disruptions ahead of competitors.

- Empower employees by giving them a degree of autonomy, plus democratic access to resources and tools like MI Cloud to make smart, goal-oriented decisions.

- Intelligence to put strategy, tactics and operations into context, measure progress against goals and use analysis and insights effectively to deliver customised solutions and results.

- Explore and analyse potential market share, challenges, opportunities and competition in new geographies and formulate successful entry and expansion strategies.

- Access fresh, relevant data on a timely basis to track seasonal and yearly market changes and save time extracting market insights with a single, intuitive interface.

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